Monday, November 27, 2006

Friday, Black II

So, I went to Black Friday.

I went with having no sleep since 7am Thursday.

I went with my wife, younger brother and sister in tow, and my mother for part of it.

I stood for about an hour in a line that wrapped around 4 times.

I witnessed an idiot pushing a shopping cart through a swarm of shoulder to shoulder people, with 5 small items in it. Finally realizing he was clogging traffic up, he took the items out, and left the cart there, which proceeded to continue to clog everyone up.

I witnessed a clerk ring something up twice, and I was too tired to catch it, good thing my wife was paying attention.

I walked over 8 lanes of traffic twice, facing cars who surely couldnt give a damn about the pedestrian right of way.

I carried two thirty lb dumbells (roughly a little less then half my body weight), about 1/3 of a mile through two big box stores and the length of a parking lot.

I spent a total of 14 hours in transit or in stores on Friday.

and I still didnt even get half of my Christmas shopping done.......


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