Thursday, May 10, 2007

Roger Clemens..

So there is all kinds of fuss over the details involved with the contract Roger Clemens signed for a prorated portion of the season.

Apparently, he reportedly grabbed all kinds of concessions, such as being able to go home when he isnt pitching, etc etc.

Also reported is that Joe Torre and many of the Yankees current stars and leaders such as Derek Jeter signed off on this.

My issue is the large amount of negative backlash Roger Clemens is getting from this.

"Hes not a good teammate", "Hes selfish", "There is no way the Yankees are going to get the added dollar value". Blah Blah Blah.

For a second, put Clemens in a suit and tie, or coveralls, and place him in your position. Average Joe.

When you go in for a job are you asking any of the following---

1. Is my company getting their value for my salary?
2. What are my coworkers making?
3. Should I take less money or perks to be more "team" like?

Im sorry, you arent. You are trying to grab as most for YOU/and or your family as you can. It is the companies responsibility to determine the value of your work and how much they are willing to fork over in return.

If an employer offered you 5 more vacation days a year more then the company norm, so that you wont go across the street to a competing company who might/will, are you going to reject that because you'd rather be treated the same as everyone else?

Hell no you arent.

So stop blaming Clemens for doing the same thing on a larger scale. Clemens will come to the park and do what the Yankees pay him to do, be a great pitcher and help them towards a ring. If Steinbrenner and Co. feel this is a fair price for his services, then blame them.

Or maybe you can look around the league, there are a whole lot of players who are collecting checks for being chronically "injured", such as Carl Pavano, Mike Prior, or Mike Hampton, and there are many who signed for big dollars in a contract year, and went back to sucking afterwards.

At least Roger Clemens is going to give the employer exactly what they thought they were paying for.


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